Kids Myth Plus

Himalayan Folktale - The Snake's Bride

Season 1 Episode 10

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This week's episode is a Himalayan folktale: The Snake's Bride.
It's taken from the book:
Simla Village Tales or, Folktales from the Himalayas
By Alice Elizabeth  Dracott
The Book was published in 1906

As with many of the authors of this period A.E. Dracott was concerned about the impending loss of these tales to the modern era.

She writes in the preface:

From their cradle under the shade of ancient deodars, beside the rocks, forests and streams of the mighty Himalayan mountains, have I sought these tales to place them upon the great Bookshelf of the World.

We are delighted to be doing our part in keeping these stories alive in the modern world and placing them on the ... or in the great podcast feed of the modern world.
Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

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