Kids Myth Plus

Norse Mythology - Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought Mischief in Asgard

Season 1 Episode 17

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Today's story, Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought Mischief in Asgard

Loki of course gets himself into some trouble and must use his cunning to redeem himself.
After which he finds himself making another dangerous wager, a bet with a dwarf, that will risk the head on his shoulders 

Loki will transform himself into a gadfly and do his best to tip the scales in his own favor. 

The Warrior Goddess Sif will have a seriously bad hair day

the dwellers in asgard will gain some valuable objects and either Loki the trickster or Brock the Dwarve may lose a head.  

Drawn from the Book:

The Children of Odin :

The Book of Northern Myths

By Podraic Colum

With Illustrations By Willy Pogany


Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

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